The smartest approach to collaboration
beyond silo boundaries

EventStorming is a flexible workshop format for collaborative exploration of complex business domains.

It comes in different flavours, that can be used in different scenarios:

  • to assess health of an existing line of business and to discover the most effective areas for improvements;
  • to explore the viability of a new startup business model;
  • to envision new services, that maximise positive outcomes to every party involved;
  • to design clean and maintainable Event-Driven software, to support rapidly evolving businesses.

The adaptive nature of EventStorming allows sophisticated cross-discipline conversation between stakeholders with different backgrounds, delivering a new type of collaboration beyond silo and specialisation boundaries.


What will you use EventStorming for? Pick the most suitable style for your own purpose

your organization

Dig into the business flow of an entire line of business

Uncover inconsistencies between different perspectives and competing goals

Highlight key impediments to meaningful value delivery

Gather collective understanding and consensus around the next actions

your startup ecosystem

Explore the landscape of an entire new business ecosystem

Enforce consistent storytelling between stakeholders and partners

Highlight architectural boundaries to allow robust and flexible evolution

new services' dynamics

Design services collaboratively, involving key stakeholders

Support cross-discipline conversations between business, service designers and IT representatives

Manage multiple perspectives on the same model, from value delivery to emotions and risks.

critical software

Design key software behaviour for your most critical processes

Unfold the needs of multiple stakeholders on a sophisticated event-driven model

Be ready to embrace the full power of Microservices and Domain-Driven Design


Onsite and Remote


We facilitate critical workshops, to allow change to happen where politics, legacy software and past decisions have made the change hard.

Process modelling facilitation

We assist teams and organizations in designing new services, processes and business lines collaboratively and quickly.


We teach the principles, the mechanics, and the tricks in order to make your next EventStorming a success.



The official book from Alberto Brandolini is available on leanpub

Featured Articles

Remote EventStorming
by Alberto Brandolini


Extreme Modelling Patterns
by Alberto Brandolini

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