The book Introducing EventStorming by Alberto Brandolini is available on LeanPub.
EventStorming is referred in Domain-Driven Design Distilled, and Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon.
Scott Millet and Nick Tune also mention EventStorming in his Patterns Principles and Practices of Domain-Driven Design.
How do you become a great facilitator?
The answer is only one: practice! Possibly in a safe environment where you’re not risking too much.
We developed two kits to help you practice with a friendly audience (ideally, we had a local in-person meet-up in mind) to explore the Big Picture and Process Modelling formats.
They provide the basic information to set up and facilitate a time-boxed (about 90 minutes) collaborative modelling experience.
Experience large-scale facilitation
on a role-playing game simulation.
Experience collaborative design
working in small teams.
No, but the facilitator's instructions include a list of recommended materials.
It just doesn’t fit into the 90-minute time-box unless you’re already an exceptional facilitator with an exceptional audience.